Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions

Finally I've managed to save them all: Nok-Nok - apparently you can go 'hero' or 'jester' way, I've chosen the former. First killed the giant at Oleg's post, then let him keep the shrines. When he is challenged by the 'king', you need to pass a test that will enrage the barghest and then kill it. You'll know that you've done it right if the goblins around you will start clapping. Your NPC companions may leave or become unavailable during the course of the story, and it is possible to lose/chase off/kill all non-custom options for a certain position. If you’re running the.

Converting the Pathfinder tabletop rules to a single player cRPG for the first time, Kingmaker has no shortage of class options.

All the classes are quite similar to the pen and paper version of Pathfinder, so if you've been rolling d20s with your friends for years you already know the basics of what to expect.

In our full Pathfinder: Kingmaker class guide below, we break down each main class, as well as the three alternate class archetypes that swap out key features for more customization.

Like with the original Baldur's Gate, the game is over if the main character dies in Kingmaker, so survivability should be your focus. For new players, going with a fighter or barbarian is a good option. If you pick something squishy like a wizard or halfling bard, make sure to stay in the back row away from melee combat.

Starting companions

if you are looking for a well rounded party with no duplicate classes, companions are available from the beginning of the game with these starting classes:

  • Barbarian (Amiri)
  • Bard (Linzi)
  • Cleric (Harrim)
  • Fighter (Valerie)
  • Inquisitor (Jaethal)

Keep in mind however that the party splits in two early on based on your alignment and decisions in the prologue, so you can't have all the party members together at once.

Primary Class: Alchemist

Main features: Throw Anything, Poison Resistance, Mutagen, Bomb

High saves: Fortitude and Reflex

Class skills: Trickery, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (World), Perception, Use Magic Device

Alchemist is a hybrid class offering both spells and mutagens for temporarily increasing the physical stats, making this a great well-rounded option for melee or ranged combat.

The main draw here is the bomb feature, which can be changed and improved as you level up and gives a constant stream of steady damage-dealing opportunities from a distance.


This subclass gains martial weapon proficiency and replaces poison resistance with the precise bomb ability, so your bombs don't affect allies. This is critical when you are throwing bombs into crowds.


A more evil version of the class, Vivisectionist loses the bomb ability entirely and replaces it with sneak attack, leading to a rogue/alchemist hybrid based on dealing high damage output while hiding ins shadows.


More focused on healing, this sub-class replaces poison resistance with infused curative, which lets you use status effect removing infusions on other party members.

Primary Class: Barbarian

Main features: Fast Movement, Rage

High saves: Fortitude

Class skills: Athletics, Mobility, Lore (Nature), Perception, Persuasion

Barbarians are all about front line combat, activating rage and wading into melee. They gain new powers while raging at higher levels, and eventually get danger sense to avoid traps and damage reduction to act as the party tank.

Armored Hulk

An even tankier version of the barbarian, this sub-class gets heavy armor proficiency, and swaps out fast movement for bonuses to CMD and speed while wearing heavier armor.

Mad Dog

The mad dog doesn't get the normal rage ability until level 4, and gains fewer rage powers. In exchange, this version of the barbarian gets an animal companion and gains bonuses in combat when you fight alongside that companion.

Invulnerable Rager

Instead of danger sense to avoid traps, this sub-class gets damage reduction immediately, and gains resistance to fire and cold damage starting at third level.

Primary Class: Bard

Main features: Cantrips, Bardic Knowledge, Inspire Courage, Detect Magic

High saves: Will and Reflex

Class skills: All skills

Pathfinder Kingmaker Nyrissa Romance Guide

The bard is your jack-of-all-trades class, with some minor spellcasting powers, the ability to buff the rest of the party, and big bonuses to skill checks.

If you want to do well on Knowledge checks and stay out of harm's way, bard is a good class to pick. Note that if you are going the chaotic good route, you can just use Linzi as your bard instead.


Instead of inspiring courage in other party members, the archaeologist gets luck bonuses on nearly all rolls.


This archetype swaps out the bardic knowledge feature for a bonus to Nature Lore rolls, and also gains the ability to deal sonic damage with a thunderbolt starting at third level.

Flame Dancer

Beginning at third level, the flame dancer gains abilities related to fire, such as granting fire resistance to allies. Eventually this archetype adds fire-related powers such as fireball to his list of available spells.

Primary Class: Cleric

Main features: Channel Energy, Divine Spells, Domain Selection, Detect Magic

High saves: Fortitude and Will

Class skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (World), Lore (Religion), Persuasion

A cleric's focus can vary widely depending on their deity, but in general act as the healers and secondary front line fighters.

If you want to be able to deal with undead, help out the party, and still swing a mace at the bad guys, this is your best pick.


This archetype is more martial-focused and gains bonus fighter feats every five levels.

Herald Caller

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions

The herald caller can swap out prepared spells to instead summon creatures associated with their deity.


The opposite of the crusader, this archetype loses weapon and armor proficiency and instead focuses on gaining bonuses through spells.

Primary Class: Druid

Main features: Nature Sense, Spontaneous Summoning, Nature Bond, Wild Shape, Detect Magic

High saves: Fortitude and Will

Class skills: Lore (Nature), Knowledge (World), Knowledge (Arcana), Perception, Athletics

The secondary healing class, druids have versatile spellcasting abilities, can summon magical allies, and eventually gain the ability to take on animal or elemental forms during combat.

Blight Druid

Focused on the destructive powers of decay, this archetype gains blight bond instead of nature bond, and eventually causes any enemies standing nearby to become automatically sickened during combat.

Defender Of The True World

This variant on the druid is focused around battling the fey, gaining damage bonuses against the children of the first world. This can be a big help in certain parts of the game where fey are plentiful enemies.


The opposite of the defender of the true world, this archteype revolves around supporting the fey. This sub-class gets fewer wild shape abilities, and instead gains enchantment and illusion spells. The feyspeaker also uses charisma instead of wisdom for spellcasting.

Primary Class: Fighter

Main features: Bonus Combat Feats, Bravery, Armor Training, Weapon Training

High saves: Fortitude

Class skills: Athletics, Knowledge (World), Lore (Nature), Persuasion

If you aren't sure what to pick, fighter is probably the best starting option due to the high hit points and ability to use the heaviest weapons and armor.

Fighters consistently gain bonuses to all armor and weapon options, so they scale well in combat-focused situations.

Aldori Defender

Instead of armor training, this archetype gains the defensive parry skill, which gives an armor class bonus when making full attacks with a sword.

Tower Shield Specialist

Instead of weapon training, this archetype gains major defensive bonuses while equipped with a tower shield, including the ability to defend allies from burst spells.

Two-Handed Fighter

Exactly what it sounds like, this fighter ditches armor training and instead gets big bonuses when wielding a two-handed weapon.

Primary Class: Inquisitor

Main features: Orisons, Stern Gaze, Detect Magic, Judgment

High saves: Fortitude and Will

Class skills: All skills

Somewhat like a hybrid of cleric and fighter, the inquisitor has fewer spell options, but gains bonuses to intimidation and pronounce judgment on specific enemies to gain bonuses in combat.

The inquisitor is focused on teamwork in combat as well, and can essentially give other party members free teamwork feats when they are in close proximity.

Monster Tactician

Instead of the judgment ability, this archetype gains the ability to cast summon monster spells at each level.

Tactical Leader

This archetype loses stern gave and instead focuses on diplomacy over intimidation.

Sacred Hunstmaster

Instead of judgment, the huntsmaster gains an animal companion and has a bigger focus on teamwork feats to use with that companion.

Primary Class: Magus

Main features: Arcane Pool, Spell Combat, Detect Magic

High saves: Fortitude and Will

Class skills: Athletics, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (World), Persuasion, Use Magic Device

A hybrid of fighter and wizard, the magus can channel spell energy to grant bonuses in combat, and can both cast spells and attack with a melee weapon in the same round.

Eldritch Scion

Essentially the sorcerer version of a magus, the eldritch scion gains arcane pool points based on charisma instead of intelligence.

Sword Saint

The sword saint is more focused on the melee side than the magic side, primarily using mystical abilities to pump up sword attacks. This archetype also gains access to some fighter-only features (at a slower rate than a normal fighter).

Eldritch Archer

This is essentially like the base magus, but using ranged attacks instead of a sword.

Primary Class: Monk

Main features: Flurry Of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Armor Class Bonus, Ki Powers

High saves: Fortitude and Reflex

Class skills: Athletics, Mobility, Stealth, Knowledge (World), Lore (Religion), Perception, Persuasion

Monks are focused on up close combat but without any weapons or armor. They gain increasing abilities over time it they remain unarmored and don't equip melee weapons.

Eventually their standard fist attacks take on magical qualities, essentially bypassing the need for magic weapons.

Scaled Fist

Very similar to the base monk class, scaled fist swaps out the bonus feats available to grant access to feats like crane style and dragon style.


Somewhat of a monk/bard hybrid, the sensei gains the ability to grant bonuses to other party members like a bard's inspire courage power.

Traditional Monk

This archetype loses the ability to choose specific ki powers when leveling up, but gains larger bonuses from the powers it can take.

Primary Class: Paladin

Main features: Smite Evil, Divine Grace, Lay On Hands, Mercy, Aura Of Courage

High saves: Fortitude and Will

Class skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (World), Lore (Nature), Lore (Religion), Persuasion

Another fighter/cleric hybrid, the paladin is restricted to lawful good alignment and must behave selflessly to use their powers.

They gain the ability to heal and remove negative status effects over time by adding mercies to their lay on hands power.

Divine Hunter

Instead of focusing on a sword and shield style, this archetype gains access to ranged combat feats and abilities.


The hospitaler gains additional healing abilities at the cost of a weakened smite evil feature.

Divine Guardian

The divine guardian archetype focuses on healing and guarding one particular party member at a time, rather than the group as a whole.

Primary Class: Ranger

Main features: Favored Enemy, Favored Terrain, Hunter's Bond

High saves: Fortitude and Reflex

Class skills: Athletics, Stealth, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (World), Lore (Nature), Perception, Persuasion

The big draw to the ranger is the ability to focus on specific types of enemies, gaining big bonuses against those creatures.


Instead of taking a favored enemy, the freebooter can choose one enemy at a time to gain a bonus against, and grants that bonus to the whole party.


The flamewarden focuses on adding flame effects to melee weapons, and eventually swaps out some spells for fire-focused ones such as fireball.


The lightning version of the flamewarden, this archetype is also focused on ranged weapons over melee attacks.

Primary Class: Rogue

Main features: Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, Danger Sense

High saves: Reflex

Class skills: Mobility, Athletics, Persuasion, Trickery, Knowledge (World), Perception, Stealth, Use Magic Device

Your classic scoundrel, the rogue is all about disarming traps and dealing extra damage while remaining unseen.

Eldritch Scoundrel

This archetype slows down the sneak attack damage progression, but gains access to spells in exchange.

Knife Master

Instead of danger sense, the knife master gains a bonus against light blade attacks. Critically, this archetype loses trap finding, but rolls d8s for damage instead of d6s when using sneak attacks.


Instead of danger sense and trap finding, the thug focuses on demoralizing and intimidating opponents in combat.

Primary Class: Sorcerer

Main features: Spells, Bloodline, Detect Magic

High saves: Will

Class skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Persuasion, Use Magic Device

This charisma-based class has access to fewer spells than the wizard, but can cast them more times per day. You can also tweak your focus based on what bloodline you select.

If you want to cast lots of combat spells every day, this is the class to pick.

Empyreal Sorcerer

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions Guide

This archetype uses wisdom instead of charisma for spellcasting, and gains access to some cleric-style abilities like flame strike.

Sylvan Sorcerer

This archetype is a mashup of druid and sorcerer, gaining access to an animal companion and abilities like woodland stride.

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions Quests

Sage Sorcerer

This version of the sorcerer uses intelligence instead of charisma, and gains access to wizard abilities like magic missile and dimension door.

Primary Class: Wizard

Main features: Spells, Specialist School, Arcane Bond, Detect Magic

High saves: Will

Class skills:

This is the classic spellcaster, using intelligence to channel magic. They have access to a much broader range of spells than the sorcerer, but can cast fewer spells per day.

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions Boon

Arcane Bomber

A mashup of wizard and alchemist, this archetype gains access to the bomb feature.

Thassilonian Specialist

This is the hyper focused version of the specialist wizard, ditching abilities from opposing schools of magic to get bonuses to a smaller number of schools.

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions Romance

Scroll Savant

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions

The scroll savant loses access to bonus wizard feats every five levels, but instead gains increased powers when casting spells from scrolls.

Pathfinder Kingmaker Companions Build

What's your favorite Pathfinder class, and what sort of character do you intend to play while conquering the Stolen Lands? Sound off in the comments below, and be sure to check out our other Pathfinder: Kingmaker guides here on GameSkinny!